First of all, as promised, here is my new gardening sun hat:
Despite the traditional British summer weather of sunshine and showers - or maybe because of it - the vegetable garden is doing well. Here's a quick tour:
In the greenhouse the tomatoes are doing well on the left. At the back, peppers and in the containers, aubergines.
This keeps the fruit off the ground and clean, and takes up a lot less growing space. There are giant pumpkins growing on the other side with the same system.
At the back of the garden are sweetcorn on the left and garlic to the right. The garlic are nearly ready, I think, another couple of weeks and we will lift them. The corn are minipops, designed to be cut and eaten as baby corn.
Next to them are two rows of peas, one sown a month earlier than the other. The first row is flowering and already has some pea pods.
These plants are all netted to keep cats from digging up the bed and well, you know...they are a real nuisance with young plants and seedlings.
The right hand raised bed has main crop potatoes at one end. The first two rows were sown a month before the rest because we had cauliflowers growing where they were to go and had to wait till we had harvested and eaten those. At the other end there are beetroot and turnips in containers, they are due to be moved soon and that section will have kale on it for overwintering.
Your garden is looking brilliant :-D
Fabulous, I don't know where you find the time!
Hat looks great too :)
Awesome garden!
Awesome hat!
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